Saturday 24 October 2009

Fossil Fuel

Out of all the objects I have obtained from Freecycle, this one has been the most difficult to deal with. I have several options for this item though. For instance, I could take it out of context by placing it in a photograph, painting or other medium. I could make a sculpture from it, take away its function, deconstruct or reconstruct it. The crucial point though is that the idea must in some way reflect the notion of value. So, I started thinking about what value this object has, without it’s usual context of being part of a car. In that context the indicator light is there as a sign of indication, intention and basic information. This kind of base level communication, from one human being to the next, from within the psychological bubble that is ‘the car’ is very interesting to me. So the indicator light in some way represents the importance of inter-human connection and that communication itself is an essential aspect of our lives everyday. Also, this object has been removed from hat context, so what happens now? How do we view this object? Do we view it from the perspective that it is useless without its only real use or can we somehow see an aspect of ourselves in it? I like to think we can.

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