Monday 20 July 2009

Headlight, Camera, Action!

I suppose I chose this item from Freecycle because it seemed like a challenge...So it begins! I must first ask myself some questions and then ask some questions about this item! What attracts me to this object? What is its use once it's original function has been detached? I like to think that when you take away an objects function it just becomes a simple combination of materials that can be extracted and used elsewhere. Or maybe this light can be used as a light?

Whatever happens along my path of research into the origins of this object and its composite nature, I shall always bear in mind that the lovely lady who gave me this object didn't necessarily view it without value, it's just that her car got written off and she didn't see any point holding onto it when there are people like me out there who are ready and waiting to re-use it and, more importantly, stopping it going to some dirty landfill!

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